All plush proceeds will go towards making more cool Zardy things, so your support is appreciated! Thank you everyone for all the love that Zardy has gotten. Zardy Foolhardy was fairly difficult and long! But players should be warned that the fight isn’t over… And it only gets worse from here on out. in this game you can test Zardy character ,you can also generate dance, and enjoy listening to Zardy music party during the battle, and make different sounds through operations.

Zardy also debuted musically in a Friday Night Funkin’ mod centered around the same corn maze. we have made this game Scary Zardy Mod Test to provide you with a fun experience to improve your playing style in Funkin music. Alongside other creepy scarecrows like Pumpkin Jack, Cablecrow, Brute, Rattler, and Drought - Zardy will try his best to stop the player from chopping down the giant mysterious plants that have started to grow in the maze. Zardy hails from the free horror game Zardy’s Maze where players must survive in a corn maze in the dead of night. After many requests, The ZM / FNF Zardy plush has finally arrived! The spooky scarecrow Zardy from the horror game Zardy’s Maze and the Friday Night Funkin’ mod has now been turned into a marketable plushie! (OH NO WHAT HAVE THEY DONE)